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Demystifying JSON and Deep Copy in JavaScript β€” Adventure Time Edition πŸ§­πŸ—ΊοΈ ​

Welcome, fellow explorer! Today, we'll embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of JavaScript objects, JSON, and the mysteries of shallow and deep copies. We'll decode the secrets of data serialization and understand how JSON serves as a vital communication bridge in web development. So grab your compass and let's set sail! πŸ›³οΈβœ¨

Chapter 1: Unveiling the Mysterious Object ​

Imagine you have a magical map that holds information about a traveler:

const traveler = {
  firstName: "Lara",
  lastName: "Croft",
  fullName() {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

How can we uncover the secrets hidden within this map?

Peering into the Traveler's Identity ​

Let's explore the type of our traveler object:

console.log(typeof traveler); // Output: "object"

Interesting! The traveler is indeed an object.

But what if we want to share this information with another adventurer across the globe? We need a common language.

Chapter 2: The Universal Language β€” JSON ​

What is JSON? ​

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It's easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate.

But why is JSON so important?

The Importance of JSON in Communication ​

Imagine different explorers needing to share maps and data. They need a common format that everyone understands, regardless of their tools or languages.

JSON acts as that universal language, allowing data to be transmitted between servers and clients seamlessly.


JSON is language-independent but uses conventions familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages.

Chapter 3: Converting Objects to JSON Strings ​

Serializing the Traveler Object ​

Let's transform our traveler object into a JSON string:

const travelerJSON = JSON.stringify(traveler);
console.log("JSON:", travelerJSON);

Output ​

JSON: {"firstName":"Lara","lastName":"Croft"}

Wait, where did the fullName method go?

Understanding What Gets Serialized ​

Question: Why is the fullName method missing from the JSON string?

Answer ​


When using JSON.stringify(), only enumerable own properties of the object are serialized. Functions (methods) are not included in the JSON output because JSON is a data format and doesn't support functions.

Chapter 4: Reconstructing Objects from JSON Strings ​

Deserializing the JSON String ​

Let's convert the JSON string back into an object:

const travelerObject = JSON.parse(travelerJSON);
console.log({ travelerObject });

Output ​

  travelerObject: { firstName: 'Lara', lastName: 'Croft' }

But notice that the fullName method is still missing.

Restoring Lost Methods ​

Question: Can we recover the fullName method from the JSON string?

Answer ​


No, we cannot recover methods from JSON strings because functions are not serialized. To restore methods, we need to manually add them back to the object after deserialization.

Chapter 5: The Perils of Copying β€” Shallow vs. Deep Copy ​

The Treasure Map of Ratings ​

Imagine you have a treasure map with ratings for different locations:

const locationRatings = [
  [5, 4, 3],
  [2, 3, 5],

Now, you want to make a copy of this map.

Making a Shallow Copy ​

Let's create a shallow copy using the spread operator:

const copyLocationRatings = [...locationRatings];


Output ​

// Original array
  [5, 4, 3, 5],
  [2, 3, 5],
  // Copied array
  ([5, 4, 3, 5], [2, 3, 5])

Wait, both arrays have changed! What's happening here?

Understanding Shallow Copies ​

Question: Why does modifying copyLocationRatings also affect locationRatings?

Answer ​


A shallow copy copies the references to the original nested objects, not the objects themselves. Both locationRatings and copyLocationRatings share the same inner arrays.

Chapter 6: Achieving a Deep Copy ​

The Quest for Independence ​

To prevent changes in the copied array from affecting the original, we need a deep copy.

Using JSON for Deep Copying ​

Let's use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to create a deep copy:

const deepCopyRatings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(locationRatings));


Output ​

// Original array remains unchanged
  [5, 4, 3],
  [2, 3, 5],
  // Deep copied array is modified
  ([5, 4, 3, 5], [2, 3, 5])

Success! Now, modifying deepCopyRatings doesn't affect locationRatings.

The Limitations of JSON Deep Copy ​

Question: Are there any pitfalls in using JSON methods for deep copying?

Answer ​


Using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() has limitations:

  • Functions and methods are lost.
  • Special data types like Date, Map, Set, undefined, and Infinity are not handled correctly.
  • Objects with circular references will throw an error.

Chapter 7: Exploring Alternatives ​

Other Ways to Deep Copy ​

If JSON methods have limitations, what are the alternatives?

  • Recursive copying: Manually copy each property and nested objects.
  • Structured cloning: Using structuredClone() in modern browsers.
  • Libraries: Utilize libraries like lodash with _.cloneDeep().

Using Structured Cloning (Modern Approach) ​

const deepCopyRatings = structuredClone(locationRatings);



structuredClone() can handle many of the complex data types and avoids the pitfalls of JSON methods.

Chapter 8: JSON as a Communication Bridge ​

Real-World Applications ​

In web development, JSON is the primary format for:

  • APIs: Sending and receiving data between client and server.
  • Configuration files: Storing settings in a readable format.
  • Data storage: Simple databases or local storage.

Example: Fetching Data from an API ​

  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => {

Here, response.json() parses the JSON string from the server into a JavaScript object.

Chapter 9: Best Practices with JSON ​

Keeping Data Flat ​

When designing data for JSON serialization:

  • Avoid functions: Since they won't be serialized.
  • Keep data structures simple: Prefer arrays and plain objects.
  • Handle special types: Convert dates to strings, for example.

Handling Errors in JSON Parsing ​

Question: What happens if we try to parse invalid JSON?

Answer ​


Parsing invalid JSON with JSON.parse() throws a SyntaxError. Always handle potential errors using try...catch blocks.

try {
  const data = JSON.parse(invalidJSONString);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Failed to parse JSON:", error);

Conclusion: The Journey's End ​

Congratulations! You've navigated the intricate pathways of JavaScript objects, JSON serialization, and the nuances between shallow and deep copying.

Key takeaways:

  • JSON is essential for data interchange in web applications.
  • JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() can serialize and deserialize data but have limitations.
  • Shallow copies duplicate references to nested objects.
  • Deep copies create entirely independent copies of nested data structures.
  • Alternative methods like structuredClone() can overcome JSON limitations.
  • Communication Layer: JSON serves as a universal data format for client-server communication.

Additional Resources ​

Keep Exploring! ​

As you continue your coding adventures, remember that understanding the tools at your disposal empowers you to build more efficient and reliable applications.

May your code be bug-free and your journeys enlightening! πŸš€