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The Explorer's Guide to Modern JavaScript Treasures 🗺️

Welcome, brave code explorer! You're about to embark on an exciting journey through the mysterious lands of Modern JavaScript. Our expedition will uncover three powerful artifacts that can transform your coding adventures: The Numeric Separator Crystal, The Nullish Coalescing Orb, and The Object Shorthand Scroll.

The Numeric Separator Crystal 💎


Ancient JavaScript explorers discovered a mystical crystal that could make large numbers more readable using the power of underscores (_). Legend has it that this crystal can bring clarity to even the most complex numerical inscriptions.

🤔 The Explorer's Question

Before we proceed, ponder this: Why do we sometimes struggle to read large numbers quickly? Have you ever misread 1000000000 as a billion when it was actually meant to be 100 million?


Our brains naturally group numbers in chunks (usually of three) to process them better. The Numeric Separator Crystal helps us maintain this natural grouping in our code!

The Crystal's Powers

// Before the Crystal's discovery 🔄
const ancientGold = 1000000000;
const mysticalBytes = 0xFFECDE5E;

// After harnessing its power ✨
const modernGold = 1_000_000_000;
const enchantedBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E;


The Crystal's power has limitations! Beware of these magical constraints:

  • Multiple separators will break the spell: 1__000
  • Edge separators are forbidden: _100 or 100_

Crystal Usage Examples

// Spell Components
const potionCost = 1_234.567_89;
const binarySpell = 0b1010_0001;
const hexRune = 0xA0_B0_C0;

The Nullish Coalescing Orb 🔮

The Tale

In the ancient times, JavaScript mages used the || operator for default values. But it had a dark side - it couldn't distinguish between intentional falsy values and the void (null/undefined).

The Orb's Challenge 🤔

Consider this riddle: A warrior has 0 health potions but is still alive. Using the old || operator, what happens when we check their potion count?

const potions = 0;
const defaultPotions = potions || 5; // 5 (Oh no! Our 0 was replaced!)

The old || operator sees 0 as a "falsy" value and replaces it. But sometimes zero potions is a valid inventory state! This is where the Nullish Coalescing Orb (??) shows its true power.

Do's and Don'ts 🚫✅


// Checking for void inventory slots
const shield = ?? 'No Shield';
const companion = undefined ?? 'Solo Adventure';


// Don't use ?? when you really want ||
const damageDealt = attackPower ?? 10; // Use || if 0 should be replaced

The Object Shorthand Scroll 📜

Ancient Wisdom

The Object Shorthand Scroll contains powerful runes that reduce the repetition in your spellcasting. It's said that the most efficient mages always carry this scroll.

Before & After the Scroll's Discovery 🔄

// Ancient spellcasting
const mageLevel = 5;
const mageName = 'Gandalf';
const spell = {
    mageLevel: mageLevel,
    mageName: mageName

// Modern enchantment
const enchantment = {

Common Pitfalls ⚠

  • Don't mix shortened and full notation without purpose
  • Beware of name conflicts in nested objects

The Final Challenge 🏰

Let's combine all three artifacts in an epic quest:

function createLegendaryHero(heroData) {
    const power = 1_000_000;
    const skillPoints = 0;
    return {
        // Using all artifacts together
        name: heroData?.name ?? 'Unknown Hero',
        gold: heroData?.wealth?.gold ?? 1_000,
        [`badge_${power}`]: '⚔️'

Quest Objectives

Try to identify:

  1. Where is the Numeric Separator Crystal used?
  2. Can you spot the Nullish Coalescing Orb's magic?
  3. How does the Object Shorthand Scroll save us time?
  1. The Crystal appears in 1_000_000 and 1_000
  2. The Orb protects us with ?? when checking heroData?.name and heroData?.wealth?.gold
  3. The Scroll allows us to write power, instead of power: power,

Epic Challenges for Brave Explorers 🗡️

Practice Quests

  1. Create a spell shop inventory system using all three artifacts
  2. Design a character stats tracker that handles missing data gracefully
  3. Build a quest reward calculator with large numbers and default values
Sample Solution
const createSpellShop = (shopData) => {
    const goldReserve = 1_000_000_000;
    const spellStock = 42;
    return {
        shopName: shopData?.name ?? 'Mystic Emporium',
        potions: shopData?.inventory?.potions ?? 100,
        dailyVisitors: shopData?.stats?.visitors ?? 0,
        [`restock_${}`]: true

Remember, brave explorer, these artifacts are tools in your coding arsenal. Use them wisely, and they will serve you well on your JavaScript adventures!

🎯 Final Quest: Try combining all three artifacts in your next project. Share your discoveries with fellow explorers, and may your code be ever readable!