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Mastering JavaScript Reserved Words and 'use strict' πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ“œ ​

Welcome back, esteemed heroes of code! πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈβœ¨ In this enlightening chapter, we're delving into the crucial topic of JavaScript Reserved Words and the powerful directive 'use strict'. Just as heroes must abide by certain rules and regulations to maintain order, understanding reserved words and strict mode in JavaScript ensures your code is robust, secure, and error-free. Let's embark on this journey to explore the list of reserved words, their restrictions, and the proper use of 'use strict'. Prepare yourself for informative explanations, practical examples, and interactive challenges! πŸš€

JavaScript Reserved Words: List and Restrictions πŸ“œ ​

Question: What are reserved words in JavaScript, and why must we be cautious when using them?

Reserved words in JavaScript are words that have special meanings and purposes within the language syntax. These words are reserved for use as keywords, variables, or identifiers and cannot be used as names for your variables, functions, classes, or other identifiers. Misusing reserved words can lead to syntax errors or unexpected behavior in your code.

Why Are Reserved Words Important? 🧐 ​

  • Prevent Conflicts: Ensures that your code doesn't conflict with the language's syntax.
  • Maintain Readability: Avoids confusion for anyone reading your code.
  • Avoid Errors: Prevents syntax errors and potential bugs.

Just as heroes must follow certain codes of conduct to maintain harmony, adhering to reserved word restrictions keeps your code clean and error-free! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈβœ¨

List of JavaScript Reserved Words πŸ“š ​

Here is a comprehensive list of reserved words in JavaScript:

Keywords ​

These are used to perform specific operations or declare variables and functions:

await      break       case        catch       class       const
continue   debugger    default     delete      do          else
export     extends     finally     for         function    if
import     in          instanceof  let         new         return
super      switch      this        throw       try         typeof
var        void        while       with        yield

Future Reserved Keywords ​

These are reserved for future use in the language:


Strict Mode Reserved Words ​

In strict mode, the following words are also reserved:

implements  interface   package     private     protected
public      static

Literal Values ​

These are also considered reserved words:

null        true        false

Restrictions When Using Reserved Words 🚫 ​

  • Variable and Function Names: You cannot use reserved words as names for variables, functions, classes, or identifiers.

    Incorrect Example:

    var for = 5; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'for'
  • Object Properties: While technically allowed, it's best practice to avoid using reserved words as object property names to prevent confusion.


    var hero = {
      class: "A", // Allowed but not recommended
      name: "Deku"
  • Strict Mode Considerations: In strict mode, additional words are reserved, and using them can lead to errors.

Using 'use strict' in JavaScript πŸ”’ ​

Question: What is 'use strict' in JavaScript, and how does it affect our code?

'use strict' is a directive introduced in ECMAScript 5 that enables Strict Mode. When you apply strict mode, JavaScript code is executed in a "strict" context, which:

  • Eliminates Silent Errors: Throws errors for actions that are usually silent failures.
  • Prevents Unsafe Actions: Disallows certain syntax likely to be defined in future versions.
  • Improves Performance: Allows JavaScript engines to perform optimizations.

Using strict mode is like a hero training under stricter conditions to improve discipline and effectiveness! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’ͺ

How to Enable Strict Mode πŸ›‘οΈ ​

  1. Globally: Place 'use strict'; at the beginning of your script.

    'use strict';
    // All code here is executed in strict mode
  2. Function-Level: Place 'use strict'; at the beginning of a function.

    function heroAction() {
      'use strict';
      // Code here is in strict mode

Effects of Strict Mode πŸ“ ​

  • Prevents Undeclared Variables:

    Without Strict Mode:

    heroName = "All Might"; // Creates a global variable

    With Strict Mode:

    'use strict';
    heroName = "All Might"; // ReferenceError: heroName is not defined
  • Disallows Duplicates in Function Parameters:

    'use strict';
    function calculate(a, a) {
      // SyntaxError: Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context
  • Eliminates this Binding to Global Object:

    'use strict';
    function showThis() {
    showThis(); // Output: undefined
  • Prohibits Deleting Variables or Functions:

    'use strict';
    var hero = "Deku";
    delete hero; // SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode
  • Restricts Usage of Reserved Words:

    In strict mode, you cannot use future reserved words as variable names.

    'use strict';
    var let = 5; // SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word

Interactive Challenge: Exploring Strict Mode ❓ ​


  1. Identify and fix errors in the following code using strict mode.
  2. Explain why each error occurs.
'use strict';

function trainHero() {
  powerLevel = 9000;
  var eval = "Training";
  return powerLevel;

  1. Errors and Fixes:

    • Undeclared Variable powerLevel:

      var powerLevel = 9000;

      Error: ReferenceError: powerLevel is not defined

      Fix: Declare powerLevel with var, let, or const.

    • Using Reserved Word eval as Variable Name:

      var evaluation = "Training";

      Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode

      Fix: Rename the variable to avoid using eval.

  2. Explanation:

    • Undeclared Variable: In strict mode, variables must be declared before use.
    • Reserved Word Usage: eval is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier in strict mode.

    Fixed Code:

    'use strict';
    function trainHero() {
      var powerLevel = 9000;
      var evaluation = "Training";
      return powerLevel;
    console.log(trainHero()); // Output: 9000

Pitfalls and Best Practices πŸš§βœ… ​

Pitfall: Using Reserved Words as Identifiers πŸ›‘ ​


Using reserved words as variable or function names leads to syntax errors.


var function = 5; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'function'


  • Avoid Reserved Words: Use alternative names.
var myFunction = 5;

Pitfall: Forgetting to Declare Variables in Strict Mode ⚠️ ​


In strict mode, assigning a value to an undeclared variable throws a ReferenceError.


'use strict';
heroName = "Bakugo"; // ReferenceError: heroName is not defined


  • Declare Variables Properly: Use let, const, or var.
'use strict';
let heroName = "Bakugo";

Pitfall: Accidental Global Variables 🌐 ​


Without strict mode, assigning to undeclared variables creates global variables, which can lead to unexpected behavior.


function setHero() {
  heroName = "Todoroki"; // Creates a global variable
console.log(heroName); // Output: Todoroki


  • Use Strict Mode: Helps prevent accidental globals.
  • Declare Variables: Always declare variables within the appropriate scope.

Best Practices πŸ† ​

  • Always Use 'use strict';: Encourages better coding practices and avoids common errors.
  • Avoid Reserved Words: Stay updated with the list of reserved words and avoid using them as identifiers.
  • Declare Variables Properly: Use let, const, or var to declare variables.
  • Use Descriptive Names: Choose meaningful names that don't conflict with reserved words.
  • Test Your Code: Regularly test your code to catch errors early.

The Socratic Reflection: Upholding the Code's Integrity πŸ€”βœ¨ ​

Question: How does understanding reserved words and strict mode contribute to writing robust and error-free JavaScript code?

Answer: By knowing the list of reserved words and their restrictions, you avoid syntax errors and conflicts with the language's syntax, ensuring your code is valid and maintainable. Using 'use strict' enforces a stricter parsing and error-checking mechanism, catching common mistakes like undeclared variables and improper usage of reserved words. This leads to more disciplined coding practices, reduces bugs, and enhances the overall quality of your codeβ€”just as heroes uphold strict standards to maintain peace and order! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒŸ

Conclusion πŸŽ“ ​

Congratulations, vigilant hero! πŸŽ‰ You've gained a deeper understanding of JavaScript Reserved Words and the importance of 'use strict'. By mastering these concepts, you're better equipped to write clean, error-free, and maintainable code. Keep these guidelines in mind as you continue your coding journey, and you'll navigate the JavaScript landscape with confidence and expertise! πŸ’ͺ

Farewell, Guardian of Code! πŸ‘‹ ​

Your commitment to upholding the integrity of your code mirrors the dedication of heroes who protect their world. Continue to strive for excellence, embrace best practices, and refine your skills as you ascend to greater heights in the programming realm! πŸ† Until next time, stay sharp and code onβ€”Plus Ultra! πŸš€